April Art Club with Yolande-- Saturday, 4/5

April Art Club with Yolande-- Saturday, 4/5


ArtPlace Art Club Saturday classes meet from 9:00am until 11:30am. The time is filled with multiple structured activities, as well as creative play experiences. Students ages 1-7 are invited to come for any duration of the session.

Children (ages 1-3) participate with a parent. Students (ages 4-7) may be dropped off or participate with their parents.

Register now!

Kids Night Out during Rose the Night Away, Thursday , 3/20

Kids Night Out during Rose the Night Away, Thursday , 3/20

Individual Art Class with Dalia

Individual Art Class with Dalia

Brushstrokes & Sketching with Bebe: Spring Semester

Brushstrokes & Sketching with Bebe: Spring Semester
